Fire Safety Assessment of Polymeric Cables and Materials based on Heat Release Rate, Combustion Smoke and Toxicity


  • B. Nageshwar Rao Central Power Research Institute, Bengaluru
  • R. Arunjothi Central Power Research Institute, Bengaluru
  • A. R. Srinivasan Central Power Research Institute, Bengaluru
  • P. Rajashekhar Central Power Research Institute, Bengaluru
  • A. Sudhindra Central Power Research Institute, Bengaluru


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This paper presents and discusses heat release measurement, smoke and toxicity data obtained on cables: power, communication, automobile, wires and other materials used for various applications in power plants, petroleum refineries, metro rail, automobile industries. Fire survival cables intended to maintain electrical integrity under flaming conditions and flame retardant low smoke cables have been evaluated and their performance discussed. Fire safety assessment methods of cables and materials are reviewed and heat release rate, smoke, toxicity data and flammability characteristics obtained on materials like polystyrene, cellulosic fibre materials, upholstery, FRP/GRP laminate and others are discussed. Cushioning materials like polyurethane foam (slab stack, rigid PU, Expandable Graphite foam), thermally densified polyester block have been evaluated for HRR, smoke properties and the results are discussed. The toxicity of these materials evaluated as per NES 713/NCD 1409 are summarised.


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How to Cite

Nageshwar Rao, B., Arunjothi, R., Srinivasan, A. R., Rajashekhar, P., & Sudhindra, A. (2008). Fire Safety Assessment of Polymeric Cables and Materials based on Heat Release Rate, Combustion Smoke and Toxicity. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 195–212. Retrieved from


ASTM E 13 Standard Test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release Rates for Aterials and Products, using an Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter.

ISO 5660, Standard test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release rates for Materials.

IEC 332-3 - Wire/Cable Bunch Flame Propagation.

IEEE 383 - Cable Tray Flame Spread.

IS 10810(P-62) Cable Tray Flame Spread.

IEC 1034 (1,2) - Smoke Density of Wire/Cable.

IS 10810 (P-63) - SmokeDensity of Wire/Cable.

ASTM E662 - Specific Optical Smoke.

ASTM D2843 - Smoke Density from the Burning or Decomposition of Plastics.

ASTM D2863/IS 10810 (part-58) - Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI).

IEC 754-1/2 - Evolved Combustion Gases of Wire/Cable.

NES 713/NCD 1409 Reaffirmed 2000, Determination of Toxicity Index of the Products of Combustion from Small Specimens of Materials.

UL 94 - Test for Flammability of Plastics.

IEC 331 - Fire Characteristics of Electrical Cables under Fire Conditions - Circuit Integrity.

British Standard Code of Practice for Fire BS 6837.

Rail Passenger Equipment: Guidelines for Selecting Materials to improve their Fire Safety Characteristics. Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Vol. 49, No. 162, USDOT. 1984.

EPA 130 - Fixed Guide Way Transit and Passenger Rail Systems. Standard Edition 2003. National Fire Protection Association, 2003.

British Standard Code of Practice for Fire Precautions in the Design and Construction of Railway Passenger Rolling Stock. BS 6853, 1999.

Preventive Railway Fire Protection in Railway Vehicles. DIN 5510.

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