Condition Assessment Techniques for Insulation Diagnosis of Oil Filled Power Transformers


  • Dillip Kumar Puhan Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bengaluru – 560080, Karnataka
  • Rajat Sharma Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bengaluru – 560080, Karnataka
  • K. P. Meena Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bengaluru – 560080, Karnataka
  • B. Nageshwar Rao Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bengaluru – 560080, Karnataka



Condition Assessment, Generator Transformer, Insulation Diagnosis, SFRA


Power transformers are key components in the substation/switchyard and failure of transformer can have an enormous impact on reliability and availability of power supply and has financial implications. As there is ever increase in demand of power, the reliability of power equipment assumes high importance. Economic factors are the main consideration and in order to minimize capital expenditure on new equipment, it is a common policy among utilities to maximize the use of existing power transformers by operating at their design capability. This can be achieved by periodic diagnostic testing and adopting condition based maintenance practices. In this paper various condition assessment techniques for oil filled transformers are discussed and few case studies are presented.


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How to Cite

Kumar Puhan, D., Sharma, R., Meena, K. P., & Nageshwar Rao, B. (2018). Condition Assessment Techniques for Insulation Diagnosis of Oil Filled Power Transformers. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 126–131.


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