Ampacity of bundled PVC house wiring cables in a conduit pipe based on experimental and theoretical considerations


  • K. P. Meena Diagnostic, Cables and Capacitors Division, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore-560 080
  • R. Arunjothi Diagnostic, Cables and Capacitors Division, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore-560 080
  • Thirumurthy Diagnostic, Cables and Capacitors Division, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore-560 080
  • G. K. Raja Diagnostic, Cables and Capacitors Division, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore-560 080
  • B. Nageshwar Rao Diagnostic, Cables and Capacitors Division, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore-560 080


Ampacity, house wiring cables


Flexible PVC Cables form the major part of Power distribution system within residential buildings, industrial buildings, and other commercial institutions. The ampacity of power cable depends upon the cross sectional area of conductor and the laying and installation of the cable in service. Generally two or more number of PVC cables are bundled together and inserted as a bundle in a conduit pipe for connecting to various load points. As the bundling of cables produce more heat than a single PVC Cable, and dissipation of heat is poor, the ampacity of these cables reduces considerably. Hence the exact selection of sizes and no. of cables are essential to avoid overheating of those cables and the resulting fire havocs.>p/p


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How to Cite

Meena, K. P., Arunjothi, R., Thirumurthy, ., Raja, G. K., & Nageshwar Rao, B. (2014). Ampacity of bundled PVC house wiring cables in a conduit pipe based on experimental and theoretical considerations. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 723–730. Retrieved from


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