An Intelligent Power Supply Utilization System Based on Microcontroller for Renewable Energy Applications


  • Manish Kumar Ghodki School of Renewable Energy & Efficiency, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra (Haryana)
  • Akhilesh Swarup School of Renewable Energy & Efficiency, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra (Haryana)
  • Yash Pal School of Renewable Energy & Efficiency, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra (Haryana)


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The proposed hardware “an intelligent power supply utilization system based on microcontroller for renewable energy applications” is a system in which microcontroller is used to automatically control the power supply of conventional energy source with the help of renewable energy source and power supply utilized in this way is then used to feed to the load. In this system, supply from the mains is altered with the help of microcontroller according to the nonlinear supply from solar energy and this altered power supply of one source is then compensated by another source. This technique will help to maintain the optional power supply to the load from renewable energy source. The control strategy for this kind of power supply utilization is written in the assembly language. The system based on this logic can be used as one of the energy saving option and a tool for promoting and encouraging the renewable energy sources.


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How to Cite

Ghodki, M. K., Swarup, A., & Pal, Y. (2015). An Intelligent Power Supply Utilization System Based on Microcontroller for Renewable Energy Applications. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 93–110. Retrieved from





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