Network reduction of power system for transient stability studies


N. Ashwin
J. Sreedevi
Pradip Kumar Dixit


Modern power systems are complicated and heavily interconnected systems. Hence critical analysis of the network for power system planning is very important. Challenges in analyzing large interconnected networks have given rise to the need to find small, equivalent networks in order to improve computational efficiency. There are many methods for determining an equivalent network which accurately represents the original network. In this paper Thevenin’s method is used to calculate the equivalent of a system. The PSS/E software is used to demonstrate the method for separation of a particular area network from all-India network by placing dynamic equivalents at the boundary buses.


How to Cite
Ashwin, N., Sreedevi, J., & Kumar Dixit, P. (2017). Network reduction of power system for transient stability studies. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 263–268. Retrieved from


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