Voltage Stability Analysis of IEEE118 Bus System with Wind Penetration


J. Sreedevi
G. N. Chethan
Paila Lakshmana Rao


The increased penetration of renewable energy sources affects the voltage stability of the system. This article provides steady state voltage stability analysis with wind penetration. The standard IEEE 118 bus system is used for the analysis. The system is modelled in PSSE software and NR-Power flow method is used to perform the power flow studies with various levels of wind penetration. From the load flow studies voltage profile at load buses is analysed through PV curves. System is further studied with reactive power compensation provided at wind generator terminals. All cases are analysed for voltage stability with respect to increase in loading of the system.


How to Cite
Sreedevi, J., Chethan, G. N., & Rao, P. L. (2022). Voltage Stability Analysis of IEEE118 Bus System with Wind Penetration. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 17–21. https://doi.org/10.33686/pwj.v17i1.167355


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