Corrosion of All Aluminium Alloy Stranded Conductors-A Case Study
No Keywords.Abstract
Aluminium conductor Steel reinforced (ACSR) material has been in use since the beginning of 20<supth century for transmission and distribution of electrical energy. All over the world ACSR gained acceptance and is still being used. All Aluminium Alloy Conductors (AAAC) made of Al-Mg-Si alloy, first introduced in France gained popularity because of its higher strength compared to EC grade Aluminium of equivalent size, less weight, higher corrosion resistance and non-magnetic nature compared to ACSR. Over the years different combinations ofAl, Mg, Si, have been adopted to meet the desired strength and conductivity. The first alloys introduced were non-heat treatable. Later, heat treatable and artificially aged conductors with still higher strength were introduced.
The application of AAAC has been widely accepted in India. However, instances of corrosion damage are reported despite the fac t that all the quality norms are followed fo r the procurement of conductors. This paper deals with various aspects of corrosion damage occurred to the conductors. The damage occurred to the conductors have been investigated from the point of view of its composition, manufacturing process, strength, resistance to corrosion and method of storage.
How to Cite
Hugh P. Godard etal. The Corrosion of Light Metals, John Wiley & Sons (1967).
IS;9997/1991. Aluminium Alloy Redraw rods—For electrical purposes—Specifications.
IS: 398 (Part-4) 1994 . Aluminium alloy stranded conductors—Specifications.
ASTMG 1-9Q. Standard Practice for preparing, cleaning and evaluating corrosion test specimens.
ASTMG 69-81 (Re-approved 1994)-Standard Practice for Measurement of Corrosion Potentials.
ASTMB 117-95. Standard Practice for operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus.