HERIC Configuration Based Back To Back Converter With Reduced Losses For Regenerative Load Applications


Vani Vijay
Kini P. Giridhar
C. Viswanatha
S. Jothi Basu


Back to back converters are used in many applications including machine drives and HVDC links. It is a combination of AC to DC and DC to AC converters with topologies suitable for the application. Here a single phase converter topology is developed by combining a Z source network and HERIC inverter which operates with lesser losses and more controllability. Compared to conventional inverter model, the conduction losses are much less in HERIC configuration. The Z source network help in boosting the DC voltage level so as to obtain the required level of AC output. This back to back converter is mainly meant for regenerative load application which can be utilized in equipment testing. The power drawn by the converter can be regenerated to supply back to the utility grid there by it is possible to conduct equipment testing without wasting energy. The details of the proposed configuration and the output wav forms are explained. Also a comparative study of the losses in conventional converter and proposed converter is presented.


How to Cite
Vijay, V., Giridhar, K. P., Viswanatha, C., & Jothi Basu, S. (2013). HERIC Configuration Based Back To Back Converter With Reduced Losses For Regenerative Load Applications. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 9(4), 551–556. Retrieved from https://cprijournal.in/index.php/pr/article/view/863


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