Design of AC-DC converter with reduced harmonics and output ripples using active power factor correction technique


  • Vani Vijay Energy Efficiency and Renewable Enenrgy Division, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore - 560080
  • P. Giridhar Kini E&E Department, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal - 576104
  • C. Viswanatha Diagnostics Cables and capacitors Division, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore - 560080
  • S. Jothi Basu Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Division, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore - 560080


Rectifier; active power factor correction, capacitive filtering


AC-DC converters are very commonly used in many power electronics applications including controllable sources and machine drives. Rectifier circuit results in harmonic distortions in AC side and requires large capacitive filter for reducing DC ripples on the output side. Use of active power factor technique can be utilized for solving this issue resulting in better performance of the converter. It basically consists of boost converter with high frequency switching following the rectifier controlled using a suitable microcontroller. This paper presents the detailed design and operation of Active power factor corrected rectifier which operates with reduced THD and improved power factor there by reducing losses in power flow and utility. Simulation of the designed converter and comparison with conventional topology is also discussed.


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How to Cite

Vijay, V., Giridhar Kini, P., Viswanatha, C., & Jothi Basu, S. (2014). Design of AC-DC converter with reduced harmonics and output ripples using active power factor correction technique. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 593–598. Retrieved from


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