Corrosion Behaviour of Aluminium Alloy-Flyash Composites used in ESP
Metal matrix composites, Ceramic microspheres, LM6 and CorrosionAbstract
The effect of corrosion on aluminium alloy (LM6) containing ceramic fl y ash based microspheres is investigated in this work. Stir casting route has been employed to disperse 10 % ceramic microspheres as reinforcement in the alloy matrix. Further, the alloy system was subjected to grain refinement, modification as well as combined action of grain refinement and modification. Three sets of LM6 alloy castings were produced in each case, to check for reproducibility. The corrosion resistance was evaluated by immersing the samples in 3% NaCl solution. The pH and electrical conductivity were measured to assess the damage due to corrosion. It was observed that the corrosion resistance decreased in the composite samples subjected to grain refinement, modification, combined action of grain refinement and modification compared to untreated alloy composite. Scanning Electron Microscopy [SEM] has been used to substantiate the corrosion data. On the other hand, mechanical properties namely hardness and ultimate tensile strength improved greatly in the modified samples compared to grain refined and grain refined and modified samples.Downloads
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