Prominence of Magnetic Properties in Grain Oriented and Non-Grain Oriented Steels for Transformer Industry


  • Arjuna Rao S. Short Circuit laboratory, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore - 560 080
  • Swaraj Kumar Das Short Circuit laboratory, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore - 560 080
  • Raghavaiah B. V. Switchgear Testing & Development Station, Central Power Research Institute, Bhopal - 462 023


Grain oriented steel (GOs), Non-grain oriented steel (NGOs), Iron loss, Elastic & plastic stress and Ductility


Cold rolled grain oriented (CRGO) electrical steel is a critical raw material for manufacturing of transformers, which is fully imported as it is not manufactured in India. Currently India consumes about 2.5 lakh metric tonne per annum of CRGO electrical steel and with the growth in demand of transformation capacity the consumption is estimated to be 11.5 lakh metric tonne and 13.5 lakh metric tonne respectively during the 12th and 13th five-year plan period. Magnetic cores for the wide range of modern electrical and electronic devices require magnetic materials with many combinations of properties and characteristics. The evaluation of magnetic core materials is very crucial before using for transformers, motors and Inductors.


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How to Cite

S., A. R., Das, S. K., & B. V., R. (2013). Prominence of Magnetic Properties in Grain Oriented and Non-Grain Oriented Steels for Transformer Industry. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 9(1), 147–156. Retrieved from





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