Control of Harmonics Generated by Alternating Current Electric Arc Furance and Laddle Furnace


  • Rajashekar P. Mandi Energy Effi ciency & Renewable Energy Div, Central Power Research Institute, Banglore 560 080
  • Janak J. Patel Department of Electrical Engineering, Ichhanath, SVNIT, Surat - 395 007
  • Hitesh R. Jariwala Department of Electrical Engineering, Ichhanath, SVNIT, Surat - 395 007
  • Ankur Vashi Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ichhanath, SVNIT, Surat - 395 007


Alternate current electric arc furnace (AC EAF), Laddle furnace (LF), Harmonics, Total harmonic distortion, Harmonic fi lter banks (HFB) and Static Var compensators (SVC)


An arc of an electric arc furnace as a virtual short circuit is purely resistive load but the reactor connected in series with primary of furnace transformer to smoothen the arc makes the total combination as an inductive load, with its fluctuating active and reactive power requirements, it leads to power quality issues such as poor power factor, harmonic generation, etc. This paper presents measurement and analysis of harmonics generated by alternate current electric arc furnace (AC EAF) and laddle furnace (LF) loads and also defines terms like harmonics, total harmonic distortion etc. Harmonic Filter Banks (HFB) of static Var compensator (SVC) are tuned to particular order of frequency to provide least resistance path to that order of harmonics for elimination. This paper also describes design criteria for harmonic filter banks of 100 Hz, 150 Hz and 200 Hz and presents the SVC as a solution for control of harmonics. The final results are compared with allowable limits set by international standards.


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How to Cite

Mandi, R. P., Patel, J. J., Jariwala, H. R., & Vashi, A. (2013). Control of Harmonics Generated by Alternating Current Electric Arc Furance and Laddle Furnace. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 9(1), 103–116. Retrieved from





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