Performance Analysis of Solar Flat Plate Collectors in Scaling Environment


U. C. Arunachala
M. Siddhartha Bhatt
L. K. Sreepathy


Scale formation in risers of solar flat plate collectors is evident in places where hard water is being used. This affects both the component functioning as well as system performance. In this paper, the influence of scale deposition on instantaneous efficiency, mass flow rate and heat transfer rates are analysed by the Hottel-Whillier-Bliss (H-W-B) equation in both natural and forced circulation systems. It is observed that variation of mass flow rate affects collector efficiency more than variation of heat transfer rates.


How to Cite
Arunachala, U. C., Siddhartha Bhatt, M., & Sreepathy, L. K. (2009). Performance Analysis of Solar Flat Plate Collectors in Scaling Environment. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 109–119. Retrieved from


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