Dynamic model of heat ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system


M. Srinivas
K. S. Swarup


This paper describes the implementation of SCADA to the HVAC (Heat Ventilation and Air conditioning) system, which is one among physical systems present in the spent fuel storage facility. The spent fuel storage facility contains the large number of equipment and control devices to maintain the facility critical parameters in the permissible limits. The mathematical model of HVAC system is done to monitor the critical parameters like temperature and humidity with respect to zone conditions. Over time both the radioactivity and the cooling requirements decrease and these parameters are to be monitored and controlled. The work projects deals the implementation of SCADA system to the spent fuel storage facility and monitoring of the critical parameters, the alarms to be generated for the abnormality situation. The scope of the work covers the SCADA design, modelling and monitoring of the critical parameters of the HVAC.


How to Cite
Srinivas, M., & Swarup, K. S. (2014). Dynamic model of heat ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 833–838. Retrieved from https://cprijournal.in/index.php/pr/article/view/784


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