Review on Effective Lightning Protection for Wind Turbine Generators


  • Ashok Kumar L.


Lighting Protection and Wind Turbine Generators


A wind turbine generator is the most exposed of all types of generators connected to electric utility systems. Wind turbines are most often erected in hostile lightning environments. Lightning damage to wind turbines is costly in terms of repair and replacement of equipment. Lightning damage is the single largest cause of unplanned downtime in wind turbines, and that downtime is responsible for the loss of countless megawatts of power generation. There is currently no international standard governing wind turbine lightning protection. This paper is a review on the available guidelines for effective protection.


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How to Cite

L., A. K. (2013). Review on Effective Lightning Protection for Wind Turbine Generators. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 9(1), 45–52. Retrieved from





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