Distributed Generation and its Impact on Power System
Distributed Generation (DG), Power Quality and Distributed Power Generation System (DPGS)Abstract
The penetration of distributed generation (DG) into the main electricity network is changing the paradigm we used to live with. DG is gaining interest worldwide as numerous benefi ts are associated with this change due to penetration of DG. In this paper the main purpose is to show the basics of distributed generation. The different ways to interface the DG with the utility system are also reported. Penetration of a DG into an existing distribution system has many impacts on the system and equipment operations in terms of steady-state operation, dynamic operation, reliability, power quality, stability and safety for both customers and electricity suppliers. However here in this paper the more focus in on impact of DG on power quality pointing out its positive and negative impacts and its solutions. At last to support this arguments analysis of results are shown which are directly taken from the references, where the results revels the effect of DG on power quality and based on that some conclusions are documented.Downloads
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