A Study on Integration of Acetone Charged Copper Pipes (ACCP) to MR16 Indoor Lighting Solutions
LED, Temperature and Heat transferAbstract
The aim of the present study is to improve the thermal performance of the MR16, 7 W and 9 W LED decorative lighting solutions by integration of acetone charged copper pipe (ACCP) into its aluminum heat sink. With integration of ACCP, the luminary designed for lower wattage can withstand higher wattage and can accommodate more LED’s with increased illumination. The heat transfer characteristics of high power LED is analyzed and a novel ACCP cooling device for high power LED is designed. The thermal capabilities of lighting solutions with integration of ACCP and without integration of ACCP for the same load (fixture + heat sink) were investigated experimentally. The experimental results indicate that the given load can accommodate more LED’s for higher wattage which can be attributed to improved heat transfer after integration of ACCPs resulting in increased illumination.Downloads
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