Swarm Intelligence based Approach for the Loss Minimum and Cost Minimum Confi guration of an Interconnected Power System
FACTS Devices, Line power fl ow, Optimal location of FACTS devices and PSOAbstract
This paper presents particle swarm optimization (PSO) based approach for the allocation and coordinated operation of multiple FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) devices for the economic operation as well as to increase power transfer capacity of an interconnected power system under different loading condition. The PSO based approach is applied on IEEE 30-bus system. The system is reactively loaded starting from base to 200 % of base load. FACTS devices are installed in the different locations of the power system and system performance is noticed with and without FACTS devices. First, the locations, where the FACTS devices to be placed is determined by calculating active and reactive power flows in the lines. A PSO based algorithm is then applied to find the amount of magnitudes of the FACTS devices. This PSO based approach for the placement of FACTS devices yields promising result both in terms of performance and economy which is clearly observed from the results obtained.Downloads
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