Technological development of on - load tap changing mechanism in power transformer - a review


  • Savita V. Banakar Junior Research Fellow, Short-Circuit Lab, Central Power Research Institute, 560080
  • V. Muralidhara Associate Director, Dept. of EEE, Jain University
  • N. Maheswara Rao Engg Officer, Short-circuit Lab CPRI, Bengaluru


Voltage control, On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC), vacuum type, static type


Voltage control is one of the main concerns of power utilities with regard to quality of the power. To maintain load voltage within permissible limits every power transformer is designed with voltage controlling and regulating system. Hence transformers are required to supply with an On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC) which became mandatory. The OLTC voltage regulation is naturally operated by Changing the number of turns in one of the windings of the transformer. This paper presents a review of a differentiated details of conventional mechanical OLTC and electronic assisted tap changer as controller.


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Banakar, S. V., Muralidhara, V., & Maheswara Rao, N. (2016). Technological development of on - load tap changing mechanism in power transformer - a review. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 12(3), 487–496. Retrieved from


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