Enhancement of ATC Using Series Compensation In Restructured Power System


Laxmi Niveditha
Ch.V Krishna Reddy
P. Venkata Prasad


This paper presents enhancement of the Available Transfer Capability (ATC) using series compensation. It is imperative as part of the nature of the restructured power system to supply reliable and economical power supply. Owing to the expanded nature of the power system and large scale power transactions, it is important to determine ATC in a fast and accurate manner. At the same it is required that the transmission lines be utilised in the most optimum manner and hence requires the enhancement of ATC. The DC-PTDF method is used in this paper to calculate ATC under both intact condition and line outage contingency condition. Further series compensation in done in the transmission lines to enhance the ATC in both the cases. The proposed method is presented using IEEE-6 bus system.


How to Cite
Niveditha, L., Krishna Reddy, C., & Venkata Prasad, P. (2016). Enhancement of ATC Using Series Compensation In Restructured Power System. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 671–676. Retrieved from https://cprijournal.in/index.php/pr/article/view/158


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