Novel Halbach Permanent Magnet Solenoid Design using Finite Element Method


P. Trivedi


To generate the high axial field usually Electromagnetic Coils solenoid is used but it consumes large DC power supplies and cooling system and is not compact. The PM (Permanent Magnet) solenoid on the contrary can give fixed axial field profiles that are very compact and do not require any energy source as they are themselves energy sources. PM solenoids are usually designed using large radial and axial magnetized magnets. The drawback of such a design is using large radial magnets which are often unavailable with assembly problems. The paper discusses the novel Halbach solenoid configuration design and uses ref1 solenoid results to verify it. The finite element magneto static method is used to analyze the two models. The FEM magneto static analysis was done in Magnet Infolytica FEM magneto static analysis package.


How to Cite
Trivedi, P. . (2024). Novel Halbach Permanent Magnet Solenoid Design using Finite Element Method. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 19(2), 99–102.


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