Review of Cockcroft-Walton High Voltage Low Current DC Power Supplies


  • Urmil Thaker Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar – 382027, Gujarat
  • Santosh C. Vora Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad – 382481, Gujarat



Cockcroft-Walton Circuit, High Voltage Transformer, High Voltage Low Current Power Supply, Ion Implantation, Neutron Generator, Particle Accelerator, Voltage Multiplier


High-voltage power supplies are key for developing particle accelerators, neutron generators, x-ray systems, ion implantation, etc. This paper reviews various developed voltage low current power supplies based on Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier circuits for accelerator-based neutron sources and other industrial and medical applications. The paper presents a detailed review of the topology of the power supply used for the high voltage generation, the key design parameters, key active and passive components used in the High Voltage (HV) system, key experimental results, protection and measurement circuit used in the power supply and about the system performance. The improvement that occurred in the size and performance of the power supplies due to the development in the technology of the magnetic components, semiconductors and energy storage devices in successive years is apparent in the discussion. Finally challenges and possible solutions for the compact design and system performance are concluded for the development of high voltage low current power supplies.


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How to Cite

Thaker, U. ., & Vora, S. C. . (2024). Review of Cockcroft-Walton High Voltage Low Current DC Power Supplies. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 19(2), 217–224.


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